share the Good of Jesus Christ, in Love, Faith and Ministry. We are an open church of the Lord Jesus Christ, where everyone is welcome.
Our priority is to reach out to the LGBTI community, since none of the mainline churches are willing to accept their gay members unconditionally. We accept all people, irrespective of their sexual orientation.
die Goedheid van Jesus Christus, in Liefde, Geloof en Bediening te deel. Ons is `n oop kerk van Jesus Christus waar almal welkom is.
Ons reik in die besonder uit na die LGBTI gemeenskap, aangesien geeneen van die hoofstroomkerke bereid is om hulle gay lidmate onvoorwaardelik te aanvaar nie. Ons aanvaar alle mense, ongeag hulle seksuele oriëntasie.
We are a church that, through our ministry, teachings, life and attitude, want to
show the unconditional love and
acceptance of Jesus Christ to all people, but especially to LGBTI people.
Ons is ‘n kerk wat deur ons bediening, leer, lewe en gesindheid wil wys dat Jesus Christus se
onvoorwaardelike liefde en aanvaarding vir almal, maar in besonder vir LGBTI mense, bedoel is.
A Church that welcomes the LGBTI community and a church where EVERYBODY feels at home...!
'n Kerk waar LGBTI mense welkom is en 'n kerk waar ALMAL tuis voel...!
Rev. Andre has a passion for people, which overflows in his service in the church.
Ds. Andre het ‘n passie vir mense, wat oorvloei in sy diens in die kerk.
Andre Muller
Minister | LeraarRev. Abe has a strong interest in the development of our youth.
Ds. Abe is ook passievol daaroor om mense te help om 'n ware verhouding met Jesus Christus te bou.
Minister | LeraarMarietjie is a pastoral therapist who stands up for gay rights. Ph.D about gay ministers in the DRC.
Marietjie is 'n pastorale terapeut wat opstaan vir gay regte. Ph.D oor gay predikante in die NGK.
Maretjie van Loggerenberg
Counseling | Berading